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There is an art to toilet cleaning.
A toilet should be regularly cleaned, brushed and flossed. Leaving it pearly white. Toilets are used daily, so it must always be kept hygienic.
The basics of cleaning a toilet are commonly known, obviously required is a sanitising spray and wipe to remove germs, a toilet bowl cleaner such as Toilet Duck and a bowl brush, a set of disposable clothes for cleaning and another set for finishing. And importantly you must get right around behind the toilet as well as cleaning the front.
We professionals also know that to truly deliver a sparkling toilet you also need:
• Selection of brushes. Most toilets we’ve found to have a surprising amount of little edges and grooves which can collect undesirable grime. A robust brush similar in size to your tooth brush works well for detailed cleaning of these edges and grooves. A larger toilet brush is still required for the bowl.
• Paper wipes. We find that thin paper wipes are the best suited for flossing gaps. Just like your teeth, there are gaps that benefit from a good flossing, especially around the hinge area of the seat and toilet lid which acts as a trap for further undesirable grime.
• Scale remover. We use a scale removal product for removing water spots, calcium and scale deposits. Often a toilet can be well cleaned, only to dry leaving a blotchy finish. This is caused by water spots, calcium and scale residue (these elements are found within domestic water supply). Most common spray and wipe detergents will not remove such deposits.
Like how a dentist would tell you there is an art to cleaning your teeth, we believe this also holds true for the cleaning of your toilet.
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